Our team

Rhys Marks.

Rhys Marks is a Media Executive at Profile. He is responsible for securing high-quality coverage for clients and engaging with the media.

Rhys is a Media Executive, responsible for all engagement with all wings of the media, whether it's specialist magazines, national newspapers, or TV and radio.

Before joining Profile, Rhys completed a brief stint at corporate communications agency, working with trade clients. He spent four years at university which culminated in a master’s in Media and PR.

Rhys never planned to enter comms as a profession, but the creativity, variety of work, and satisfaction are what pulled him in. His long-time interest in the media and extroverted nature helps him thrive in his role.

Start with the big idea.

“When I start working with a new client, I immediately want to know what their big ideas are, what they think of the industry they specialise in, and how they built their success. I really want to hear about all the things that differentiate them from everyone else because this is what will fuel our strategy."

Proactivity is key.

"PR can be a fast-paced and sometimes hectic environment. Sometimes things will not always go to plan, while other times, things will go better than planned. But central to all work that takes place should be a high level of transparency."

Importance of transparency.

"Every good PR team must be transparent to nurture positive relationships, manage expectations and, most importantly, build trust. If you aren’t on the same page with your clients, you won’t reach any goals nor won’t enjoy working together, which is what makes the job so rewarding."

Leading from the front.

"When you put yourself at the forefront of a company by being vocal and having a leading voice, you not only show that you are responsible, which crucially helps with building long-term trust among stakeholders, but it also allows you to use your fortunate position to instigate positive change.”

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