About Profile


We are Profile, an award-winning thought leadership agency. We run high-impact campaigns across PR & media, content creation, social media, & video production.

We are Profile, a highly experienced thought leadership agency that works with individuals and companies. We establish our clients as respected & well-known leaders within their fields by showcasing their insights.

Our multi-award-winning team integrates strategy, PR & media coverage, social media management, and multimedia content to produce high-impact campaigns that elevate the reputations of organisations and their leaders.

We inject all our thought leadership campaigns with personality & punch. Source: Profile.

As the world moves faster, there is more demand from audiences for cutting-edge business insights. That's where you fit in.

We believe that the best way to stand out from the competition is show how you think differently. Whether that's shining a light on an industry challenge. Making a prediction. Or calling for reform.

Customers, investors, team members, and other stakeholders are crying out for people with the courage to put their heads above the parapet. We are your thought leadership partner.

What we do.

We are a dedicated team of experts based in London – but operating globally. Over the last decade, we have run some of the world's most successful & creative thought leadership campaigns.

We partner with individuals and organisations with something to say. We help them find their voice. We turn it into engaging content – from articles to videos. And we get it in front of their target audience.

We have three specialist teams internally. Our media team is responsible for engaging with the press & securing media coverage. Our social media team is responsible for getting your voice heard across digital channels. And our multimedia team is responsible for producing compelling video content.

Members of the team working.
We operate at the intersection of PR, thought leadership, and personal branding. Source: Profile.

As an agency, we operate at the unique intersection of public relations, thought leadership, and executive branding.

Our history & heritage.

We were founded back in 2014. At the time, thought leadership and executive profiling was only starting to emerge as an alternative to traditional PR.

We recognised immediately that thought leadership was going to dramatically change how people & companies communicated. Rather than hear from a faceless brand, audiences increasingly wanted to hear from individuals and the people at the top of businesses.

Audiences were screaming out for authentic & fresh voices who could inform, educate, and entertain. Our sister agency, Transmission Private, went on to work for many of the largest & best-known entrepreneurs and businessowners globally.

Members of the team working.
We execute all our campaigns in-house through a team of PR, media, and multimedia experts. Source: Profile.

Over the years, we started to get recognised our own leadership in this new area of communications. We were awarded Spear's Recommended Reputation Manager by Spear's 6 years in a row – and counting.

In 2022, we updated our brand & refreshed our website to take thought leadership to a broader, global audience. Today businesses of all sizes, from start-ups to listed corporates, and businesspeople at all levels of those organisations recognise the unique value of thought leadership.

Who we support.

Today, we work with individuals from across almost every industry, and support organisations of all shapes and sizes. We support a full spread of clients from tech leaders, like Sensay, to leading charitable organisations, like the Turner Kirk Trust.

Ultimately, we support clients who want to take advantage of thought leadership, although their goals are often different. Some might want to grow their customer base. Other might want to strengthen their employer brands. Others yet might want to raise investment.

Members of the team working.
We have run thought leadership campaigns for more than a decade and have truly global reach. Source: Profile.

As we have grown, we have launched dedicated business units focussed on supporting clients within Industrials, Real Estate, & Finance and Technology & Professional Services.

Although we are based in London, nearly three quarters of our clients are based outside of the UK, and we're on the road every three months catching up with our clients in New York & LA, Dubai, Delhi, and elsewhere around the world.

Why do we do it.

We were one of the first agencies to focus exclusively on thought leadership – and we believe it's as powerful today as it was almost a decade ago.

Why? Because people do not want to hear bland corporate announcements about new appointments, products, and services. It's boring. People want to hear from people.

They really are the best at what they do. They know their niche like the back of their hands. I was impressed not only with the strategy, but the quality of outputs in terms of hard coverage.

Founder, Fintech start-up

But things have changed. The market for thought leadership is now more competitive that ever before, and audiences look for quality over quality.

It is no longer enough to simply write market commentary. What you have to say needs to be truly different, punchy, and backed up by evidence.

Also, increasingly, it's not longer enough just to produce written thought leadership content. It needs to be allied with the video and social media strategy to really breakthrough.

About us

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