About Profile


Profile is on a mission to create visible leaders – in a fast-moving and rapidly changing world that needs fresh and original business voices.

Workers in office.

At Profile, we're on a mission to help companies & individuals unlock the power of thought leadership. We want to help clients get their distinctive voices out into the world whilst showcasing their industry insights.

We believe that thought leadership is one of the most powerful forms of PR & marketing. Thought leadership helps companies & individuals build brand awareness though highlighting their insights & industry perspectives – rather than simply talking about their products and services.

We believe that thought leadership outperforms traditional PR & communication. Source: Profile.

Increasingly, traditional marketing communications does not cut through. It doesn't connect with customers. It doesn't connect with team members. And it doesn't connect with investors.

Unlocking the power of thought leadership.

Thought leadership is a powerful alternative to traditional PR, communications, and content creation.

Rather than lapsing into mere marketing, thought leadership forces companies and their leaders to showcase what really makes them different – it gives a business a distinctive identity and, indeed, face.

We want to encourage more businesses to pursue this approach to their communications.

Thought leadership activity needs to be fronted by an individual or individuals within the business.


What does effective thought leadership mean in practice? It means companies having the courage to showcase their industry insights. Calling for change across the sector. Giving their opinion on timely industry issues. Shaping regulation, policy, and the direction of the industry as a whole.

And, most importantly, this thought leadership activity needs to be fronted by an individual or individuals within the business. This might be the CEO, the wider C-Suite and management, or even other experts and figures within the company.

Thought leadership leads to stronger financial performance.

Why are we so focused on shifting more companies to this way of thinking? Because it delivers better results for clients.

Time and again, thought leadership delivers better results than traditional PR and marketing approaches.

On one hand, people like hearing from people. They're more likely to pay attention to a message delivered by a person than a faceless corporate brand.

Members of the team working.
Thought leadership approaches generate more PR & media coverage than other approaches. Source: Profile.

On the other hand, thought leadership content is more likely to cut-through with audiences and the media.

If crafted in the right way, a punchy thought leadership intervention is much more likely to draw the attention of an audience than product- or brand-centric announcement.

And it's not just customers either.

Team members, investors, regulators, and other important stakeholders all prefer reading thought leadership content over other types of marketing and PR material.

In fact, research conducted by Profile showed that firms with visible, well-recognised leadership teams recruited better talent, raised more investment at better valuations, and, ultimately, grew faster.

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