
From the newsletter: Talent crunch.

Bridging the talent gap companies face is never easy, but thought leadership can make a big difference, says Jordan Greenaway.

Some economic data suggests that the talent crunch is easing. Tell that to someone working in the tech sector, especially if they operate in AI, deeptech, or fintech.

In fact, according to The Economist, around 20,000 companies are currently seeking AI experts. Of course, I'm sure there are skills shortages in other industries too.

When you work in PR & thought leadership, there is the temptation to think that you have the solution to every problem.

But, with that disclaimer out of the way, I do think that thought leadership is a grossly underleveraged tool for talent acquisition.

We know that colleagues want to work for businesses that are considered leaders within their fields. In fact, when we launched Profile, we commissioned a piece of research on this topic.

65% of young professionals said that all else being equal, they would choose to work for a company with a visible leadership team.

Jordan Greenaway

Now, of course, there are many reasons why people want to work for one company over another. I don't want to be reductionist about this.

But it's clear that thought leadership makes a difference, which is why I'm delighted to see that my colleague, Alana Stoddart, has written an article specifically about HR thought leadership. Please do give it a read.

If you enjoyed this newsletter, check out our previous take on the recent global elections.

This is an extract from one of Profile's recent email newsletters. Packed full of practical lessons, the once-a-month email provides guidance on running successful thought leadership campaigns.

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