
Snapshot: Standing out amid the General Election

The 2024 General Election has just been announced, creating the perfect window of opportunity for credible thought leaders.

Rishi Sunak’s announcement of a 4th of July General Election is bound to spark a media frenzy in the coming months. 

We can expect all the usual sights: coverage of manifestos that promise too much, speeches that aim to persuade parts of the country “I’m one of you,” and back-to-back mudslinging reminiscent of school playgrounds, presented with damning headlines, humour, and parody.

Amid this, there will also be many opportunities for industry commentators.

  • Broadcast media will be desperate for economic experts to weigh in on GDP growth.

  • Trade outlets will want leaders to outline changes needed to reinvigorate their industries.

  • Podcasts will seek interviews with CEOs willing to put their heads above the parapet.

It’s possibly the best period for aspiring thought leaders to land some coverage, as long as they have a fresh perspective or hot take that will stand out amid the wave of press releases, case studies, and commentary that will flood journalists' inboxes.

The best odds of securing coverage will likely come from those who already have contacts with various political and trade journalists.

That said, having a strong angle can also make all the difference, as long as it comes from a credible figurehead.

The election story will be hotly read by many across all sectors, meaning that a well-established source will be of utmost importance to journalists.

Rhys Marks

If thought leaders want to weigh in on the debate as the election nears, they must focus on building their online profiles if they still need work.

A quick Google of your name is all it takes for a journalist to decide whether to work with you. Update all social media accounts and websites, prioritise professional headshots and video content, and pad out your Google search with articles in industry publications to make your profile more appealing.

Whether Labour or the Conservatives win the next election, these cross-sector media hooks only come around every so often, so it’s imperative to make the most of them.

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