
Report: Trends in Executive Thought Leadership 2024.

In this report, we look at the state of the executive thought leadership market in 2024, and provide practical advice on how to run executive-led campaigns.

Over recent years, executive thought leadership has grown in popularity. In this report, we identify the key trends driving executive thought leadership campaigns – and provide practical, hands-on advice on how to run your campaign.

In this report.

  • Rules of best practice for putting together a successful executive thought leadership campaign.

  • New data on how frequently different audiences read executive thought leadership content.

  • Tips on how to set your own thought leadership content apart from competitors.

  • Advice on whether to focus exclusively on business insights or blend in personal updates as well.

  • Guidance on the most popular platforms for executive thought leadership content – from TV through to LinkedIn

  • Inspiration for your own thought leadership campaign guided by the topics that audiences love most.

  • Suggestions on what topics to avoid given what subjects least interest your audience.


Based on original, proprietary polling data commissioned by Profile, the report provides clear and actionable advice on how to run your own successful executive thought leadership campaign.

Our latest report on executive thought leadership provides 20 pages of insights on how to run an effective campaign. Source: Profile.
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