Video content

B2B video content marketing: 5 ideas for founders and entrepreneurs

B2B video content marketing can be an effective way for founders to showcase their expertise and build brand awareness. In this article, we will discuss five ideas for entrepreneurs to create impactful B2B video content marketing that resonates with their audience.

As a founder and entrepreneur, video content is a must to set yourself apart and get your thought leadership ideas in front of your audience. Written content alone is no longer enough for getting your message out there, especially with Google and platforms like LinkedIn prioritising multimedia content in their algorithms.

The most successful and notable B2B founders and entrepreneurs use video content in their regular posting schedules, as well as on their company websites and in the media.

1. Thought leadership two-cam interview

Shooting a two-camera interview is one of the best ways to get your message across to those in your industry and beyond.

Whilst this can seem very time and resource heavy, one video shoot could amount to 10 clips or more that can be used across social media platforms and your company website. These can also be useful when pitching to media or for speaker agency profiles.

Sometimes a two-camera interview is not the best option due to its hands-on approach, meaning you have to look to other formats for your video content.

James Bird

Bill Gates has become a go-to example for thought-leadership video content, combining the classic two-cam interview with powerful B-roll and stock footage from around the world.

Read more about what a two-cam shoot entails in this article about our recent work in New York and Washington D.C.

2. Audiograms

Sometimes a two-camera interview is not the best option due to its hands-on approach, meaning you have to look to other formats for your video content.

Audiograms have become increasingly popular among thought leaders and their companies – using audio clips to create an engaging, animated graphic featuring a photo and company branding.

The audio itself could come from a number of different places:

  • Podcasts you’ve featured on, or ones you’ve hosted yourself

  • Public speaking events

  • Unused clips from a video shoot

  • Recording some fresh insights especially

Visually, these videos are far more engaging than a standard quote pasted into the caption of a post.

3. Behind-the-scenes of your company

One idea that does particularly well on LinkedIn is a behind-the-scenes video of your life as a founder and entrepreneur. This could take a few forms:

  • A tour of your workspace

  • Meeting with different members of the team

  • Explaining how certain parts of the business work

  • Discussing what makes your company unique

This doesn’t have to be an influencer-esque vlog – it could be B-roll of your office posted on LinkedIn with a caption about your work or a specific part of the business.

You could also use animated text to describe and explain what goes on, meaning you don’t have to feature in the video yourself or record a voiceover.

4. Interview someone

Within your network, there are countless interview opportunities that you could use for your website or social media channels.

Sitting down and having a candid conversation with someone in your business makes for a great piece of content, and more casual clips go down really well on social media and can keep your audience engaged.

Repurposing past content happens way more than you think and can make for an insightful and popular post.

James Bird

You could also sit down with a fellow entrepreneur and capture some insights on their journey, finding out what running their business looks like day-to-day.

From these video interviews, the most interesting parts can be made into short, punchy clips – the best usually come from asking what the hardest part of their journey was and how they learnt from failure.

5. Repurpose old clips

The common misconception about creating video content is that you have to spend a full day setting up, recording and re-doing shots.

In reality, you don’t have to shoot anything at all. Repurposing past content happens way more than you think and can make for an insightful and popular post.

You could post videos of when your company first started, reflecting on the small team (even when it was just yourself!).

Moments like these do really well on LinkedIn, so go through your old content and think creatively about how you can use it.

These five ideas will amplify your online presence, whether that be on social media platforms like LinkedIn and Twitter or on your company website.

Which idea you use will depend largely on time and resource; however, it’s important to dedicate as much time as possible to creating video content as it will grow your company and help you as a thought leader to reach your B2B audience.

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