
Real estate.

We run end-to-end thought leadership & PR campaigns for real estate companies & executives, spanning strategy, content creation, social media, & media coverage.

We run high-impact thought leadership campaigns for property firms of all types, spanning content creation, PR & media engagement, social media activity, and multimedia production.

Thought leadership is a powerful tool for real estate firms, developers, & property investment businesses. It enables companies and executives leaders to raise their profile through their insights, know-how, and industry expertise.

It is also a powerful tool to build trust with different audiences, including investors, planning decision-makers, team members, financial institutions, customers, land owners, communities, and the wider real estate sector.

Our corporate thought leadership expertise spans positioning, PR, social media, and multimedia. Credit: Profile.

In fact, our research shows that companies that are recognised as leaders within their fields recruit better talent, raise more investment (at a better valuation), and grow faster.

We support businesses across the full spread of the property ecosystem, including land owners, developers, finance providers, agents, and much else besides. We have a deep and comprehensive understanding of the industry.

Thought leadership for real estate & property firms.

We are a full-service thought leadership & PR agency, meaning that we can support you across the board – or simply slot in where you need us most.

We often work alongside other agencies and in-house support, providing you with expertise only where you truly need it.

  • Thought leadership strategy for property firms. We will set the strategy for your thought leadership campaign. This will usually involve identifying the core topics that we're going to talk about, singling out your audience, setting your tone of voice, and planning out the content creation, PR, and social media activity.

  • Content creation across property, real estate, & land. We will translate this strategy into high-quality, engaging content that puts your best foot forward and positions you as an expert on the topics that are most important for you. This will involve undertaking research and writing various forms of content on a consistent, ongoing basis, including blogs posts, website interviews, white papers, case studies, and much else besides.

  • PR & media coverage for the property & real estate industry. We will secure you appropriate, strategic media coverage that positions you as a real leader in your sector. This may involve pitching op-eds and comment articles to industry and trade websites and publications, or coordinating pitching activity across the national, international, and broadcast press. We also conduct media training with our clients.

  • LinkedIn & social media support. We will amplify all our work across your social media channels and we have a particular expertise in managing and proactively growing LinkedIn accounts, both for businesses and individual executives within those businesses. Our activity includes drafting posts, scheduling content, optimising accounts, and, ultimately, driving results in terms of engagement and follower numbers.

  • Video & multimedia for real estate firms. We will diversify the type of content for your thought leadership campaign by capturing, producing, and editing impactful videos, usually in the form of short thought-leadership snippets that can be leveraged for media engagement or on social media. We will also capture new executive photography of your key team members to support of media engagement work.

We love real estate, development, & property.

We have worked in the property & real estate for more than a decade. Over that time, we have worked with companies across every part of the sector. This means that we can get up to speed with your business very quickly.

We understanding the key objectives that drive property businesses, whether that's increasing deal flow, securing planning permission, driving lead generation, raising funds, or managing stakeholder perceptions.

We have worked with companies & executives leaders across various industries, including property. Source: Profile.

We have worked with real estate firms of all sizes. Whether you're a large institutional REIT or an individual agent, we know how to customise a programme to your unique, specific needs.

We have supported developers, agents, bridging loan specialists, land owners, and other companies across the sector. Credit: Profile.

We stay abreast of all the industry trends and developments. We're able to advise you on topics that might be ripe for industry commentary and thought leadership, whether that's housing demand, construction statistics, development challenges, or something else.

We are experts at property media & PR.

We were founded as a PR & media specialist, but we have since developed into a full-service thought leadership agency. We now paired our media expertise with end-to-end content services.

But our heritage as a media & PR specialist remains part of our core DNA today: we judge the content that we create for you against not just other corporate marketing materials, but against the most interesting and engaging news content.

In a world flooded with content, especially in the property sector, it is important for your content to tell a genuinely interesting story that engages your audience. Otherwise it risks falling flat.

They really know the development space. They suggested media angles that were up-to-date, timely, and relevant. Recommended.

CEO, Property developer

We also have strong relationships with all the key property media contacts around the world, whether it's the reporters at the core trade publications, the real estate desks of the major national and regional publications, or the broadcast news desks.

End-to-end support for property & real estate.

As a full-service land & real estate content & communications agency, here's a sampling of our services...

Insight identifying • Topic scoping • Positioning • Thought leadership strategy • Real estate content creation • Press release drafting • Press release distribution • Interview pitching • Comment article writing • Executive photography • Thought leadership videos • Media relations • White paper drafting • Community engagement • LinkedIn management • Social media content

Thought leadership work in property, real estate, & land.

We have worked with individual executives and leading large companies across the property & real estate ecosystem.

  • NYSE-listed REIT. A listed Real Estate Investment Trust (REIT) focused on science and lab space wanted to position themselves as the leading authority on understanding the dynamics of the science & bio-sciences real estate needs. This led to a significant white paper, which highlighted the key locations globally where demand for this asset class was surging.

  • Specialist property lender. A European property lender wanted to position themselves as the best-in-class bridge lending business for SME and entry-level developers, with a view to boosting inbound demand as well as supporting the launch of their new regional offices in Manchester and Leeds in the UK.

  • Super-premium estate agent. A leading LA-based real estate agent wanted to boost her own profile as the go-to agent for high-end super-premium real estate, with a particular focus on the $10m+ residential asset class across the traditional media as well as social media platforms.

  • Student accommodation developer. A well-known developer of high-profile, branded student accommodation in London, Brussels, and Paris wanted to stake out their position as a leader in this fast-growing asset class as well as its economic contribution to local economies, with a view to managing perceptions among investors, partners, communities, and planning stakeholders.

Real estate & property thought leadership

Real estate & property team.

Why clients choose Profile.

About Contact

We are experts at running PR & comms campaigns for financial services companies, but we are truly global in our reach. We are as comfortable running thought-leadership campaigns in London and Louisville – as we are in Seoul and San Paulo.

We are a single place for your financial services content needs. We have worked with C-Suite leaders for more than a decade, and our award-winning experience spans media, social media, and multimedia.


The latest news from Profile HQ.


What is corporate thought leadership?

Corporate thought leadership is the process of raising the profile of a company brand through insight-driven content that positions the business as a leader within their sector. Effective corporate thought leadership can raise the profile of a business among customers, employee, investors, and other stakeholders.

Why is corporate thought leadership important?

Corporate thought leadership is a very effective way to drive awareness of a company (and position that business as an expert) among existing and potential customers, investors, recruits, and other stakeholders. In fact, our research shows that companies that are recognised as thought leaders recruit better, sell more, raise more investment, and grow faster.

What does corporate thought leadership involve?

The key parts of corporate thought leadership include setting the strategy; identifying topics; turning insights on those topics into content, such as articles, case studies, videos, and otherwise; and getting that content into the hands of your audience through PR, social media, and otherwise.

What does real estate thought leadership cost?

The cost of a real estate thought leadership campaign will vary with the breadth and intensity of the campaign. Campaigns with Profile start at £4,500 or $5,750 per month for a minimum of a 6-month period to make a difference.

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