
Sustainability & ESG.

We run end-to-end thought leadership & PR campaigns for ESG clients, blending strategy, content creation, social media, & media coverage.

We run high-impact thought leadership campaigns for ESG firms and business leaders, blending content creation, PR & media engagement, social media activity, and multimedia production.

Thought leadership is a powerful tool for renewable energy, sustainable agriculture, and ethical investment funds – and their executive leadership teams. Thought leadership can give you and your company an edge when it comes to generating awareness as well as sending the right type of message to your key audiences.

In ESG, trust is at a significant premium. Leveraging thought leadership enables you to raise your profile as a company or individual on the basis of your industry know-how, insights, and experience.

Our ESG thought leadership spans positioning, PR, social media, and multimedia. Credit: Profile.

It enables you to market yourself in the right way – without coming across as promotional.

The benefits of green thought leadership.

An effective, well-organised thought leadership campaign puts you in a strong position to command the confidence of stakeholders and build credibility among your most important audiences, whether that's investors, regulators, customers, employees, or community stakeholders.

In fact, our research shows that companies that are recognised as leaders within their fields recruit better talent, raise more investment (at a better valuation), and grow faster.

We support businesses across the full spread of the ESG ecosystem, including renewable energy firms, sustainable agriculture companies, ethical investment funds, green technology developers, and much else besides.

We have a deep and comprehensive understanding of the industry, and we're able to tailor our approach to wherever you sit in the industry.

Thought leadership for ESG firms.

We are a full-service thought leadership & PR agency, meaning that we can support you across the board.

  • Thought leadership strategy for renewable energy firms. We will set the strategy for your thought leadership campaign, whether you're in solar, wind, or hydroelectric power. This will usually involve identifying core topics for commentary (based on what is being discussed within your sector), lasering in on your core audience, and establishing your tone of voice.

  • Content creation across clean technology developers. We will translate this strategy into high-quality, engaging ESG content that puts your best foot forward. This may involve writing various forms of content on a consistent basis, including blog posts, website interviews, white papers, case studies, and much else besides.

  • PR and media coverage for the green industry. We will secure you appropriate strategic media coverage that positions you as a real leader in your segment of the ESG industry. This may involve pitching op-eds and comment articles to industry and trade websites and publications, or coordinating pitching activity across the national, international, and broadcast press.

  • LinkedIn and social media support for ESG leaders. We will amplify all our work across your social media channels and we have particular expertise in managing and proactively growing LinkedIn accounts, both for businesses and individual executives in the wider ESG sector. In all cases, we focus on building visibility among the right people, and not just the mass public-at-large.

  • Video and multimedia for sustainable firms. We will diversify the type of content for your thought leadership campaign by capturing, producing, and editing impactful videos, usually in the form of short thought-leadership snippets that can be leveraged for media engagement or on social media. We will also capture new executive photography of your key team members to support our media engagement work.

We love sustainability, ethics & governance.

We have worked in the ESG sector for more than a decade. Over that time, we have worked with companies across every part of the sector, which means that we can get up to speed with your business very quickly.

We understand the key objectives that drive ESG businesses, whether that's increasing engagement with investors, shaping the opinions of regulators, engaging with customers, or something else besides.

We are able to shape our ESG thought leadership programmes around your unique, individual needs.

Our team has led thought leadership campaigns for many multinational companies & executive leaders across various industries, including ESG. Source: Profile.

We have worked with ESG-focussed firms of all sizes. So, whether you're a large institutional investment fund or a small cleantech start-up, we know how to customise a program to your unique, specific needs.

In some cases, our work will involve supporting the full management team of a sustainable business to elevate the profile of the business. In other cases, it might require us to work with an individual ESG expert to highlight their specific area of expertise.

We stay abreast of all the industry trends and developments around-the-clock. Alongside tracking all segments of the ESG press, we stay up to date on the wider regulatory and research environment, including in the EU, North America, Asia, and elsewhere around the world.

We have supported renewable energy firms, sustainable agriculture companies, ethical investment funds, green technology developers, and other companies across the ESG sector. Source: Profile.

This provides us with the critical intelligence to guide you towards the best topics for commentary, as well as help us signpost you in the direction of subjects and areas of expertise that are not already occupied by your peers and competitors.

This deep well of knowledge of ESG also means that our team of expert copywriters can write in an informed, professional, and expert way from Day One, without you worrying about our ability to write about technical ESG topics.

We are experts at green PR.

We were founded as a PR & media specialist, but we have since developed into a full-service thought leadership agency. We have now paired our media expertise with end-to-end content services.

We apply an editorial lens to all the content that we produce. Whether the content is sitting on your website, LinkedIn, or elsewhere, it needs to engage your audience in an organic and authentic way.

These days, audiences are likely to ignore, overlook, or zone out while reading overly commercial marketing information. This provides green companies with an opportunity to really stand apart with story-driven content.

This is especially true in the ESG sector, which is not only flooded with content – but has also struggles to command the attention of external audiences due to its complex and highly specialised nature.

From day one, I could clearly tell they had worked with others like us before. Their understanding of our niche, the external pressures we face, and what we are trying to achieve helped us quickly settle on the right strategy for our campaign.

CEO, Sustainable solutions firm

We also have strong relationships will all the key ESG contacts around the world, whether it's the reporters at the core trade publications, the ESG desks of the major national and regional publications, or the broadcast news desks.

We also have deep reach into all the sector-specific trade tittles, including renewable energy publications, sustainable agriculture journals, ethical investment trades, green technology magazines, and much else besides.

End-to-end support for sustainability.

As a full-service ESG and sustainability agency, here's a sampling of our services...

Insights identification • Topic scoping • ESG positioning • Thought leadership strategy • ESG content creation • Press release drafting • Press release distribution • Interview pitching • Comment article writing • Executive photography • Thought leadership videos • Media relations • White paper drafting • Stakeholder management • Regulator engagement • LinkedIn management • Social media content

Thought leadership work in ESG.

We have worked with individual executives and leading large companies across the ESG ecosystem.

  • Solar energy firm. A European solar energy firm wanted to increase residential and commercial solar installations, but struggled to scale due to capacity limitations. We worked with the full management team to build their individual profiles as industry-specific experts to assist their workforce expansion.

  • Marine energy start-up. The founder of a marine energy start-up was seeking investment to scale the business but struggled to convince investors. We launched a strategic campaign to highlight the start-up's successful pilot projects through trade coverage to enhance its credibility.

  • Impact investment fund. An established impact investment fund sought to differentiate itself as a pioneer in socially responsible investing to attract committed investors and identify promising projects that align with its impact-driven investment strategy.

  • Wildlife conservation charity. A wildlife conservation charity aimed to expand its partnerships with farmers to boost conservation efforts and promote sustainable land management. To support this goal, we rebuilt their social brand across LinkedIn and Twitter to garner better support for the charity.

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